Sexual and reproductive health affects women at every stage of their life as they go through changes associated with puberty, fertility, pregnancy, ageing and menopause. Physical changes caused by illness, medications, psychological effects like depression, what is happening in relationship or family, and general mental health and wellbeing can all also impact sexual and reproductive health.
Sexual and reproductive health is also linked to many other aspects of women’s health, including access to health screening (eg. mammogram, pap smears), testing for and protection from sexually transmitted infections (STI), contraception and fertility treatments.
This means that women need to use sexual and reproductive health services frequently and over their whole life course.
Thus, it is critical that women in the ACT have access to safe, affordable and acceptable health services, fertility and maternity care, and to timely support and services in relation to unplanned pregnancy (including termination of pregnancy services and support). Women also need accurate and reliable information so they can take control and make their own decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing.