Overview of Victim Survivor Voice consulting on design survey findings
If you are in immediate danger call 000. Further support services can be found at the bottom of this document.
The Victim Survivor Voice project is to design, develop and pilot and intersectional and sustainable consultation model for adult victim survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence (the model).
People with lived experience of domestic, family and sexual violence are at the centre of the Victim Survivor Voices project. It is extremely important to us to listen, and act, on their thoughts, feedback and concerns at all stages of this project.
Survey consulting on the design of the Victim Survivor Voice project
Women’s Health Matters ran a survey in February and March 2024 to seek input from people with lived experience on the development of the Victim Survivor Voice project.
This survey was for people who:
- Were aged 18 years or older,
- Have experienced any form of domestic, family and/or sexual violence, and
- Live in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and region.
This survey asked:
- Would you be interested in becoming involved with the Victim Survivor Voice consultation model to inform improved services and systems?
- Please tell us about what Women’s Health Matters could do to make you feel comfortable, respected and supported if you became involved in this project?
- Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
We thank the approximately 150 people with lived experience of domestic, family and sexual violence who took part in this survey. We value the expertise, generosity and contribution of every one of these people.
Our Violence Prevention Coordinator read every individual survey response. Thematic analysis was then used to highlight the key survey findings. These findings are included below.
Who we heard from
Read more »What we heard
Read more »What will happen now
Read more »Where you can find support
If you are experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence, please know you are not alone and help is available.
- Phone 000 if you are in immediate danger.
- 1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence service. They can be contacted on 1800 737 732 or 1800respect.org.aufor 24/7 confidential information, counselling and support.
- The Domestic Violence Crisis Service 24/7 crisis intervention line can be contacted on 02 6280 0900 and further information can be found at dvcs.org.au.
- The Canberra Rape Crisis Centre crisis line can be contacted on 02 6247 2525 between 7am and 11pm seven days a week and further information can be found at crcc.org.au.