Women’s Sector calls on next ACT Government to deliver on what women need.
The CEOs of eight organisations supporting Canberra women today launched a joint election platform outlining urgent priorities to be addressed by the next ACT Government.
You can read the full election platform here.
Find out how the major parties have responded to our platform in their women’s policies here:
Canberra Liberals: https://freshopportunity.org/policies/women/
Independents for Canberra: https://www.independentsforcanberra.com/policy under Safety for Women and Children
ACT Labour: https://www.actlabor.org.au/our-policies/our-plan-for-women/
The Greens: https://greens.org.au/platform/equality#women
Authorised by Lauren Anthes on behalf of Women’s Centre for Health Matters.